Permission level : Accounts with Manpower Requisition module access

To access this function, please go to:

Hire > Manpower Requisition 

When you click one or more manpower requisitions that are pending your approval (Under the tab Approval Requested), the Bulk Action menu will be shown on the left side of the screen.

The Bulk Actions is available for Bulk Approval, Bulk Rejection, and Bulk Request for Amendment processes. These three bulk operations is applicable for selected pipeline (Approval Requested Pipeline)

1. Bulk Approve

  • When you click on the bulk approve action in the bulk action menu, you will be prompt with a dialog box as shown above, and you may input your comments for approval. 
  • If you need to remove some item(s) from selection, click on the red "X" button beside the Manpower Requisition. 
  • Click submit to proceed with the approval process

2. Bulk Reject

  • When you click on the Bulk Reject action in the bulk action menu, you will be prompted with a dialog box as shown above;
  • Select the Rejection Reason from the dropdown list
  • Input your comments
  • If you need to remove some item(s) from selection, click on the red "X" button beside the manpower requisition 
  • Click submit to proceed with the Rejection process

3. Bulk Request Amendment

  • When you click on the Bulk Request Amendment, you will be prompted with a dialog box as shown above; Input your comments for Requesting for Amendment.
  • If you need to remove some item(s) from selection, click on the red "X" button beside the manpower requisition
  • Click submit to proceed with the approval Request Amendment process.

4. Error Handling

If you get a response like the above image, you may not have the privilege to do a bulk approval / rejection / request for amendments. Please contact your system administrator / entity administrator for more information.