Permission level :  Job Owner, Full Access

This feature is to enable users to make a candidate offer to selected candidates within the recruitment module. 

  1. On the top black navigation bar, click on Hire > Job Opportunities

  2. Click on View on the selected Job Opportunity

  3. Select your candidate by either clicking on the candidate's name or by clicking View

  4. To make an offer, click on either the Make Offer action link in the left panel of the selected candidate or click on the Actions button in the right detail panel and select Make Offer in the drop down list

  5. The Offer Creation wizard will be initialized - Click Next to proceed

  6. Fill in all offer information requested and then click Next

  7. After reviewing the offer details in the summary page, click Submit to trigger the email dialog

  8. Choose the template type Candidate Job Offer and template Candidate Job Offer and click Preview to see the email, and Send to deliver the email notification to the candidate.

  9. The candidate will be automatically moved to the Offered candidate status, with the secondary status set as Pending Candidate Response

  10. You can refer to the details of the offer by clicking on the Offers tab in the candidate's detail panel (on the right)