Permission level: Users with manpower requisition module add-on
Here are the manpower requisition status definitions:
The system automatically progresses the manpower requisition to this status when all the manpower requisition slots have been placed with a candidate offer.
Partially Filled
This status is accorded when the manpower requisition is manually closed but not all the available manpower requisition slots have been filled with a candidate offer (e.g MR-002 has 2 slots, and only 1 slot has been placed with a candidate by a recruiter, and the recruiter then closes MR-002; The manpower requisition status will be set to Partially Filled).
Not Filled
This status is when the manpower requisition is manually closed by an authorized user without any of the slots placed with a candidate (e.g MR-003 has 1 MR Slot, the recruiter closes MR-003 without placing any candidate; The manpower requisition status will be set to Not Filled)